O God, you make us glad by the yearly festival of the birth of your only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that we, who joyfully receive him as our Redeemer, may with sure confidence behold him when he comes to be our Judge; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Prayers of the People for Christmas
Brothers and sisters, on this most holy day of our
Lord’s birth, that we may find peace, joy, and
contentment in this holy season, let us pray for
ourselves and all those in need of our prayers, saying:
Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.
For the church of Christ, and especially for Justin, the
Archbishop of Canterbury, our Presiding Bishop Sean,
and the bishop of this diocese, Nicholas, that they may
faithfully proclaim the good news of salvation and care
for the needs of God’s people. We pray to you: Lord,
in your mercy… Hear our prayer.
For peace in our troubled world, that the darkness of
war, disease, violence, poverty, and injustice may be
replaced by the light of peace and love, we pray to
you: Lord, in your mercy.. Hear our prayer.
For all those in need of our prayers: The homeless, the
unemployed, the under-employed, the hungry, the
lonely, the addicted, those who are hospitalized, those
who are imprisoned in body or soul; and for all those
for whom this season is one not of joy but of trial and
sadness, we pray to you, Lord, in your mercy..
Hear our prayer.
For the sick, that their illnesses may be turned to
health and their sorrow into rejoicing, we pray to you,
Lord, in your mercy.. . Hear our prayer.
For those who labor this day on behalf of others:
doctors and nurses, caregivers, police and fire fighters,
store clerks, bus and taxi drivers, train conductors and
pilots and crew, for all whose work prevents them from
sharing this day with those they love, and those who
serve in the armed forces and especially those away
from home, we pray to you: Lord, in your mercy..
Hear our prayer.
With thanksgiving, we remember the lives of those who
have gone before us in the faith, that we, like them,
may remain faithful to the end and live forever in the
light of your eternal glory. We pray to you: Lord, in your
mercy…Hear our prayer.
Celebrant: Almighty God, mercifully hear the prayers
of your people. Give us zeal in our ministries and joy
in our work, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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