
May we hold before God all in need.

For healing we pray for: Ashley+, Bill, Rita, Scott, Antonio, Patrick, Ernest, George, Richard, Adrienne, Zachary and Glenn. Are there others?

For strength, support, or guidance we pray for: Linda, Stephen, Elizabeth, Seamus, Shannon, Scott, Becky and Carol. Are there others?

For the residents, and families of those living in and relying on others for their care. Especially we pray for: Karen and David. Are there others?

A Litany for the Earth

Let us offer our prayers to God who gives life and breath to
all creatures, saying, “God of glory, hear us.

We pray for the mission of the church throughout the world,
for sharing the promise of abundant life and working toward
it for all.

God of glory, hear us.

We pray for the leaders of the nations, and for all who make
or influence decisions for the health of our planet and the
well-being of its peoples.

God of glory, hear us.

We pray for peace with justice around the world, especially
for an end to violent competition for limited resources.

God of glory, hear us.

We pray for those who suffer illness, want, or exile because
of environmental degradation.

God of glory, hear us.

We pray for the environmental concerns that we lift up now.
We offer our fears,

God of glory, hear us.

We pray for those who in their daily work are stewards and
protectors of God’s creation in ways large and small; for
gardeners, farmers, and ranchers; for rangers and park
managers; for fishers and foresters; for climate scientists,
ecologists, and activists, and for all who work to restore and
heal our wounded Earth.

God of glory, hear us.

We pray for those who have gone before us, especially for
those holy women and men who taught us to marvel in all
God’s works.

God of glory, hear us.

Creator God, you call us into being. Inspire us with
your extravagant generosity, and sustain us with hope in
resurrection life. All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ,
the Good Shepherd. Amen. 


If you would like to add a name to our On-going Prayer List, please contact the clergy at .