St. Paul's Creation Care
1. It has become a tradition at St. Paul's in Portsmouth to set aside a season for creation beginning the first Sunday in September through the Feast of St. Francis concluding with the 2nd Sunday in October.
During this time we do the following:
- observe in the liturgy the creation through the hymns, Prayers of the People, the scripture readings, the homily, and in the eucharistic prayer.
- providing time in the weekly study group for new learning about the creation needs and challenges.
- bring to the vestry any concerns and projects that need attention.
2. Our connections to the community continue to help us to grow as a resource to Portsmouth:
- Hathaway Elementary School
- The Portsmouth Food Pantry
- The Portsmouth Arts Guild
each of these organizations/school are responding to current needs and expressions that include issues brought about by the Creation Care challenge.
We are a congregation that seeks to support and respond to this.
3. Beyond our own borders we participate in reaching out to the wider church through our support of:
- The United Thank Offering
- The Diocesan Episcopal Church Women
- Episcopal Charities
- The Ministry of the Diocese including the Creation Care Project on Aquidneck Island.
4. Each member of St. Paul's understands that we are called corporately and individually to be sensitive and informed of our use of and care for Creation.